Cat Litter Mess All Over the Floor?6 Tips to Help You Solve It


Raising a cat is a great thing, we can get companionship, entertainment, and a lot of love. But even the most loyal cat keeper would agree that among these benefits, there are a few troubles. Such as cat litter. It is useful, it is necessary, it is indispensable...but only when it is in the cat litter tray. When it runs out of the cat litter tray, when it is scattered on your sheets, on your sofa, even on your dining table, it is no longer a good thing. This is annoying and unsanitary. But what can you do? Is cat keeper destined to endure this problem? Here 6 tips to help you solve it.

Change the location of the cat litter tray

Imagine you head to the bathroom and just when you are about to finish, someone bangs on your front door. You're startled, jump up and make a run for it. Cat does the same thing if his tray is in a noisy area.  Just when he is about to finish, something startles him and he races out of his litter tray, leaving a trail of cat litter behind. If you keep his tray in a high-traffic or noisy area, move it to a quiet corner of your spare bedroom instead. He'll have adequate time to relieve himself and clean up himself.

Get an enclosed cat litter tray instead

If his cat litter tray is too small or the sides are too short, he'll be more likely to spill some of the cat litter out. Get him an enclosed box instead. In this way, if he tends to toss his litter over the edges, it will bounce right back into the box. If your cat doesn't like the enclosed cat litter tray, get him a large box with tall sides or simply take the cover off. As long as he has adequate space to dig, turn around and move, he won't spill too much cat litter out.

Use cat litter that is not easy to bring out

Some types of cat litter are specifically designed to resist excessive clinging to your cat's paws. You can't eliminate them altogether, but a good cat litter can minimize the cat litter mess around his tray. In general, strip-shaped cat litter,  large-particle cat litter, and heavy cat litter are more difficult to bring out. But when you choose, don't just pursue these, but also consider your own needs and your cat's preference.

Clean the cat litter tray in time

Cats are creatures that love cleaning. If they find that the cat litter tray is dirty, they will try their best to find a clean place to use, it means more dig and kicks. In this case, we need to clean the cat litter tray regularly to reduce the times of their dig and kicks.
Prepare a cat litter tray for each cat

If you have more than one cat, make sure a cat litter tray for each cat. More than one cat uses one litter tray together, the litter tray gets dirty more easily and needs more frequent cleaning. Once it is not cleaned up in time, your cats will try their best to dig and kick the cat litter to find a clean place to use. The litter box seems to increase your financial burden, but in fact, the amount of cat litter you use is actually the same, and the price you pay is the cost of a new litter box.

Prepare a rug or cat litter mat

Placing a large rug or cat litter mat under the cat litter box, but you need to pay attention to:

1. The rug or cat litter mat needs to be large enough to cover a large area where the cat enters and exits the litter box. If it is too small, the cat is likely to skip it.

2. Choose the material that your cat likes. Some cats prefer soft materials, while others prefer hard materials.

It can help you catch most of the cat litter spilled by cats.

Have a try, say goodbye to cat litter mess all over the floor.

#This article"Cat Litter Mess All Over the Floor? 6 Tips to Help You Solve It" from "Cloud Pet", the link of this article is, please keep the link for reprinting.#

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